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Bringing Models to Life


Live multimedia music video performance  by Ruthmarie Tenorio and Sophia Lewin using one stationary projector. Video was shot in one take.

Music: Valerie by Amy Winehouse

Software: Isadora , Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premire


This compilation of cues was created for a scene adapted from the graphic novel Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick. This portion of the story follows a girl in the 1920s who longs to be with her mother, a silent film star. Illustrations for this scenes where both created for the scene and pulled from the illustrations of the book.

Created by Ruthmarie Tenorio and Caitlin Harris

Software: Isadora , Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premier, Adobe Photoshop.


This compilation of cues was created for a scene adapted from the graphic novel Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick. This portion of the story follows a boy in the 1970s who is searching through his mother's belongings for the first time since her passing. During this scene he is listening to Space Oddity by David Bowie a song that reminds him of his time with his mother. Near the end he is struck by lighting which causes permanent hearing loss.

Created by Ruthmarie Tenorio and Caitlin Harris

Software: Isadora , Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premier, Adobe Photoshop.


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